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Analytics that offer a full picture of how campaigns perform

Standardized campaign metrics

Standard campaign-level metrics such as how many users have entered, how many exited are readily available in Leanplum. Also automatically captured and calculated are a host of metrics to help you understand user interaction with campaign messages.

Campaign flow visualization

Quickly and easily see audience drop-off through each step of sophisticated chained and branched multi-step, cross-channel campaigns. Access to campaign performance data in-flight, and retain history once complete.

Campaign value

Leanplum allows you to select goals such as purchases and allows you to define custom conversion events for every campaign. Additionally, configurable attribution windows help you to track conversion events with more precision. Importantly, Leanplum allows you to define holdbacks to better gauge campaign impact.    

Customer journey reports

Understand customer journey metrics for all campaigns. Leanplum allows you to configure reports on user activity, retention, custom conversion funnels. 

Data exploration

Easily filter groups, and create cohorts using a wide array of criteria to answer deeper questions and better understand campaign results. These include user attributes and preferences, events, message interactions, stages in the lifecycle, acquisition sources.

Export data for further analysis

All of your data within Leanplum is exportable. Download from campaign reports, take advantage of export APIs or use one of our growing list of partner integrations.

See Leanplum In Action

Get a demo to see how the Leanplum platform can help mitigate churn, grow followers, or revenue. By using your data to understand your user’s needs, you can improve engagement by orchestrating campaigns across one, two, or more channels.

“Leanplum empowers us to easily set up messages triggered by individual user behaviors. By analyzing drop off in the funnel, we deliver personalized communication responding to user needs. These campaigns help drive engagement and close the trial-to-subscription gap, thus impacting overall revenue.”

– Alvin Young, Growth Marketer at Invoice2go

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